Betahigh Priority
Enterprise: Trusty build containers
Provide Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) build images for Enterprise users.
Betanormal Priority
Enterprise: Configurable queues
Users should be able to configure build queues to build specific projects only on certain machines
In Progresshigh Priority
Enterprise 2.2
With Enterprise 2.2, we are adding many new features to our Enterprise services, including bringing some over from our hosted users
In Progresshigh Priority
Improve macOS performance
We want to improve the experience of our macOS users. Steps have been taken, and we are investigating further ones.
Planningnormal Priority
Standardized Build Configuration Parser
Automatically detect and, where possible, correct incorrect or missing configuration entries in the .travis.yml file.
Planningnormal Priority
Enterprise: MacOS Build Support
Ship support for iOS/macOS build infrastructure to enable Enterprise users to also build iOS/macOS specific projects
Planningnormal Priority
Repository Branches Improvements
The Branches tab when viewing a repository is set for a range of improvements, including syncing active status from GitHub, viewing build history for a branch, and triggering a new build for a branch.